Sunday, June 18, 2006

I'm Still Here

Life has been busy, yet it has been good.

My blogroll takes precedence over me writing a post. By the time I am done reading and commenting, I am too tired to write. I have been working on a summer vacation post. I have a few more pictures I need to upload, yet I'm not having much luck.

I want to wish all of you fathers out there a Happy Father's Day!!!


Sue said...

I know what you mean! It's a bit of a double-edged sword. It's great to read what everyone's got to say but sometimes it doesn't leave much time to blog. Glad to read that life is treating you well!

LZ Blogger said...

Thanks for the Happy Father's Day wish! ~ jb///

Bar L. said...

Happy Father's Day to you too. As a single mom a few people wished me one so I'd like to say the same to you :)

Thank you for always taking time to comment! I know what you mean about getting too tired to write, you'll find the right balance. Hugs to you!

Gooey Munster said...

I am there along with bar bar. Today I wish my mom a Happy Father's day, she too was a single parent.

Happy Father's 2 u!

Looking forward to the pics you will be posting soon.