Wednesday, April 4, 2007

On His Way

It has been back to the real world this week, well at least for me. I'm back to work while my little guy has spring break.

Back in March, I enrolled my son in a private school for the 2007-2008 school year. My primary reason for doing so was so that he could participate in a full day kindergarten program. He loves school. What kid doesn't at this age? Learning to read, writing words, and doing mathematics; how fun children think it is to learn! We went to the open house, and when I say we, I mean his father as well. My little guy met his potential teacher, saw his future classroom, took a tour of the place, and was just so excited. He is counting down the weeks to his pre-school graduation.


HLiza said...

So good you guys both show up for him.. I know a lot of divorced couple who just don't care about the kid's feelings when it comes to school orientation day. Great news that the young man will start full day fast time flies!

Edward said...

If he is in school that means that this time next year will see him on his first Spring Break!

Where's it going to be?

Daytona Beach?

Tiffanie said...

Fun stuff. We have K-Round Up tonight for my 5 year old - I love this part, where they go see the classroom, and get a feel for the school. I love to watch the sparkle in their eyes!

Art said...

Pre-school graduation! It's good that he's excited about kindergarten - that's a good sign!

Helene said...

lol... its pretty monumental to go to elementary school... for both mom and son! lol

Deepak Gopi said...

Happy Easter to you nd your cute Son

lash505 said...

Thats awesome. It is expensive though.

Alcoholic Brain said...

How cool is that? Very cool!