Saturday, July 29, 2006


As I am trying to get past some issues that have re-vamped I have realized how much stronger I have become. Actually, I realize how much more I am becoming like the person I once was. The old me...the real me. The strong, confident, happy me.

The person I was before being manipulated. The person I was before being emotionally beaten down. The person my parents raised me to be.

My relationship with my ex has never had any closure, and it probably never will. A non-communicator, in addition to manipulator, and someone who presents themselves to others which he is not. Yes, I actually married this man. However the man I married is no longer that person. So I will have to endure times like these I have gone through these past two weeks in apparently stages. Yet, each stage will make me stronger.

I thank all of you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.



HLiza said...

Glad that he's in your past. You deserve a better man. Life has so much more in line for you...

Flea said...

Each time I tell someone about my previous life and my ex I feel embaressed because I feel I am admitting I actually was married to that man. Same thing, he presents a whole different side to other's then what he did at home. Now with court cases going on the judges look at me and probably thinks "What's your problem?" and I have so no evidence.
Talk about minipulation, emotional abuse, been there had it.
Stay strong and rise above him, that will piss him off the most LOL.
Thinking of you!

Sue said...

Stay positive, you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You deserve better and I'm sure you will find it! *hugs*

Edward said...

That journey of self-re-discovery is the redeeming feature of divorce, I think.

lash505 said...

Its all about you now. You can be a little selfish and its ok.

jake said...

Hang in there girl.....You are okay and you know that in your heart......

jake said...

see if this helps....refer to your "ex" as your "former"....

Unknown said...

You are always the real you from what I can see thru blogland. We all have our moments of sorrow but as you yourself have realized you are strong.

Diane Arias said...

We love you flygirl! Keep at it. You're doing great!

Andrea said...

the road to self discovery tends to lead you back to the inner you

you'll get have lots of reasons to smile


LZ Blogger said...

I WILL! ~ jb///

Sicilian said...

A bit behind in my reading girl. . . I know just where you are coming from. . . It will get better. . . each and every day. . . you are stronger. . . and remember . . . what doesn't kill you. . . makes you stronger. . . my life motto.

Bar L. said...

My Bloglines is not working cause I just got this update and obviously you wrote it the other day!

Anyhow, you inspire me! Keep going in this direction. You are a strong, intelligent and beautiful woman and your son is blessed to have a good mom!