Saturday, March 18, 2006

Single Mom

There are times I hear from people who tell me how strong I must be to be a single mom. As I say thank you to a compliment like that I often remember how/why I am "labeled" a single mother. It was not exactly what I dreamed of or even imagined the day I got married. Life to us is full of surprises and those surprises are His plans. We often question why, why, why? The answers may be evident sooner or later, however we must be patient. Yes, being a single mom is difficult, tiredsome, and overwhelming. There are times of struggle, sadness, and lonliness. Yet, I am thankful for what I have and what will continue to come.


butterflygirl said...

Tab, I so appreciate your comments.

Sambo V. said...

Give yourself credit for being a great mom, regardless of stereotyping-you're FABULOUS!!

madameplushbottom said...

It sounds to me like you are single and FABULOUS and that's a great combination. You are beautiful on the inside and out and little man is benefiting from your dedication to the absolute best you can do. Take gentle care.